A lesson in disappointment!

Well momma's,................Today, I was frustrated beyond belief because I was told that I don't qualify to do something that I was MEANT to do, something I am CALLED to do. Here is what what happened: Lately, I have been telling God that I desire to do work that aligns with my calling to be of service to single mothers like myself. I've been a single mom for over 16 years and I have a wealth of knowledge, wisdom and resources that I want to share in order to help other single moms live the lives that they were called to live. Now, while that all sounds fine and good I haven't been finding many jobs that line up with my desires. For clarity, I am already currently already employed and I also own my own business which is autumrosecandleandbodyco.com but I am searching for a career that will allow me to be in the community helping those that need my help. So I stumbled across the website of a local shelter that is for single mothers and their children. So I...